Israele sotto attacco
Care amiche,
vi mando aggiornamenti e foto, arrivati da poco, sulla situazione dei nostri centri WIZO, da cui potrete evincere in che modo stanno affrontando l’attuale crisi di sicurezza.
Ci sono delle necessità specifiche, indicate dai centri stessi, che possono essere incluse nelle vostre campagne di emergenza.
Molti centri WIZO sono chiusi a causa della mancanza di rifugi antimissile o altre strutture di protezione.
Molti posti hanno bisogno di migliorare o ripristinare queste strutture, che vanno messe in massima sicurezza.
La WIZO ci suggerisce di indicare come finalità della campagna di emergenza la costruzione e il miglioramento dei rifugi antimissili nei centri e nelle strutture in tutto il paese, perché in questo momento non è in grado di tutelare la sicurezza di tutti coloro, bambini, ragazzi e adulti, che frequentano giornalmente i centri.
In allegato trovate un video del 2016, fatto dalla sez. di Milano, proprio sull’installazione di un rifugio antimissile a cui fu dedicata la campagna “Keep Them Safe” di Adeissima 2016.
Di seguito le testimonianze di quattro centri WIZO.
Dear WIZO Federation presidents and leaders,
Further to our previous email, we are sending you updates and stories from a number of WIZO projects and institutions, demonstrating how they are dealing with the current security crisis. Where relevant, we have listed general and specific needs that can be included in an emergency campaign.
One of the things that has become clear is that many WIZO facilities had to remain closed due to a lack of bomb shelters or other required protective facilities. In other places, we will need to improve those facilities, to reduce risk and maximize safety. When we have more specific information about such needs, we will let you know. In the meantime, if you feel it appropriate and helpful, you can include "the building and improving of bomb shelters in WIZO centers and facilities around the country", as a general goal of a campaign, but it is important to emphasize that at this point, we are not in a position to provide specific needs.
Here are the items included in this email:
Neve WIZO, Herzliya: "A conversation today with Yardena Nof, director of Neve WIZO, brought tears to our eyes." – including needs.
WIZO DCC in Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon: Making a Special Contribution to Israel – including needs and photos:
CHW Hadassim Youth Village – A rocket fell on the village last night, nobody was hurt, but several buildings were damaged. Photos here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/A4GbeKSkzxuW4a8r9
WIZO Nachlat Yehuda, interview with Galia Meron, Village Director: " We began to receive calls from parents here in Israel and from those abroad, all anxious to hear that their children were safe. My team worked all through the night calming distraught parents, and youth.” Including needs.
Tomorrow we will continue, with items from Makom Balev, Parents Home, Shelters for Women Victims of Domestic Violence and Their Children, and more.
As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or requests you might have.
Hoping for better times,
Good night from Israel,
Ahuva and Danny